Tiny People
Rodrigo Terra
Project type:
Mixed Reality
Tiny People is a spatial interactive narrative that transforms your home into a magical village of tiny inhabitants.
Rodrigo Terra
Rodrigo Terra is an old-school transmedia evangelist who still maintains the systemic logic of developing storytelling projects with advanced immersion technologies for interactive content. His career is a great model of a hybrid researcher, with parallel academic and professional trajectories over more than 15 years of work in Brazil and abroad, especially related to virtual reality. Co-founder and Chief Technology Evangelist of ARVORE Immersive Experiences, Rodrigo Terra has won several international awards, including the first Primetime Emmy®️ in Brazil. He was awarded a Graduate in Administration degree from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil), trained as a radio broadcaster, and serves as a professor of Post-Graduation at ESPM-SP (Brazil). His mission today is to bring extended realities (XR) to the world and to raise Brazilian creative talents in XR globally. Today he is also a member of the EraTransmidia Association, Executive Director of the XRBR Association, and an active member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (USA).